LNFS England
Joma patrocinará la LNFS England y avanza en nuevos proyectos junto a la LNFS
El Joma Victory será el nuevo balón con el que se disputará la LNFS England a partir de la próxima temporada y la marca deportiva también será el proveedor de material deportivo de los clubes ingleses.
Cabe recordar que la Liga Nacional de Fútbol Sala ha llegado a un acuerdo con la National Futsal League inglesa, NFL, para crear la nueva LNFS England. Una alianza a través de la cual la Liga inglesa utilizará la marca LNFS y accederá a la metodología de trabajo y posicionamiento de marca de la Liga española para aplicarlo e implementar todas sus estructuras: marketing, comunicación o competición. El patrocinio de Joma es una de las primeras acciones conjuntas en este ambicioso proyecto de internacionalización de la marca LNFS.
La irrupción de la pandemia en la sociedad ha frenado de golpe la actividad en multitud de sectores y el Fútbol Sala no ha sido ajeno a esta circunstancia por lo que las empresas han tenido que reinventarse y buscar nuevos proyectos. Joma y la Liga Nacional de Fútbol Sala, que sellaron su acuerdo de patrocinio en la temporada 2019/2020, han reforzado su compromiso trabajando conjuntamente para confeccionar nuevas sinergias entre ambas empresas y seguir ampliando la presencia de ambas marcas dentro y fuera de España.
Joma will sponsor LNFS England and advance in new projects together with the LNFS
The sports brand Joma and LNFS England have reached an agreement for the Spanish firm to become a new sponsor of this English futsal league next season. The LNFS technical sponsor thus increases its presence in the futsal world and will be the supplier of the official ball for LNFS England, as it is already in Spain.
The Joma Victory will be the new ball for LNFS England from next season and the sports brand will also be the supplier of sports equipment to English futsal clubs.
As we have previously reported, the LNFS has reached an agreement with the English National Futsal League, NFL, to create a new LNFS England. This is an alliance through which this English League will use the LNFS brand and access the Spanish League's brand positioning and work methodology to apply it and implement its structures in marketing, communications, and competitions. Joma's sponsorship is one of the first joint actions in this ambitious project to internationalise the LNFS brand.
The intrusion of the pandemic into society has suddenly curtailed activities in many sectors and futsal has not been immune to this, so companies have had to reinvent themselves and look for new projects. Joma and the National Futsal League Community Interest Company (now LNFS England) began their agreement in the 2019/2020 season and have now reinforced this commitment by working together to create new synergies between both companies to continue to expand the presence of both brands inside and outside of Spain.